You Have Come Into The Kingdom for Such a Time as This

You Have Come Into The Kingdom For Such A Time  As This

In chaotic times as this we often forget or get distracted from our Eternal Purpose which is our assignment from the King.  Discouragement or hopelessness or everyday struggles of life try to rob us of the Truth that we are loved by God, we are sons and daughters of the King of Kings and a Chosen People, a Royal Priesthood belonging to God. ( I John 3:1; Romans 8:17; I Peter 2:9).  As Mordecai reminded Esther who had been living as Royalty in the king's house  that she had a purpose for a specific time as this (Esther 4:14) so we were reminded by Sunday's message that we have a Royal Purpose in this day.  We live as a Prophetic People who hear from God and speak His Word.  God's Word, written and spoken, transforms us and in turn transforms the circumstances and culture around us.  We need to live intentionally in a place of encouragement, challenge and hope for one another.

As we dive deeper into Sunday's Message we can remember that our Royal Position cannot be changed by external circumstances or reactions.  Our greatest battle is in our mind and in our thoughts.  God wants us to be transformed by His Word (Romans 12:2) so our thinking is renewed and not conformed to the patterns of this world.  Our current thoughts and patterns are the result of the words spoken over us and the "titles" given or created by family, friends, or even our own self opinions.  Let's take a few minutes to reflect and evaluate our thought patterns and even remember our victories in overcoming damaging thoughts.

*** How have I been transformed by the renewal of my mind by the Word of God?  Is there a specific Scripture that started my journey of transformation?
***How have I been held back by themes of criticism spoken by family or others that create titles that rule over me?  Have I experienced freedom by what the Word says about me?
***How can I live out my purpose to speak the Word of God over others with Grace and Authority?   I am asking God to let me see people as they will be and not just as they are now.

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