Ethan & Jade Thomas

About Us:

Hey there! We're Ethan and Jade Thomas, the Youth Pastors at Harvest Christian Fellowship. We are honored to start and lead the Youth Program at Harvest.

We meet Thursday nights at 7 PM in the Youth Loft. The first Thursday of the month is our fellowship night, consisting of snacks, games and fun conversations. The other Thursdays consist of worship and a sermon or discussion.

Our goal as leaders is to support and help guide young people in their faith as they navigate life. Our goal as teachers is to always point them to Jesus using the Bible and Holy Spirit guidance.

"Our sons will grow up as strong, sturdy men and our daughters with graceful beauty, royally fashioned as for a palace." Psalm 144:12

Join us on Thursdays, in the loft, at 7:00pm.

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